hands holding psilocybin mushrooms
Photo by Georgia Love for DoubleBlind

22 Best Things to Do on Shrooms

Tell your subconscious we said hello.

DoubleBlind Mag

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Updated April 16, 2024

Some decompose trees. Some taste great in soups. And some—edible, though not the tastiest—turn reality inside-out, exposing us to wild and uncharted realms of experience. Mushrooms can do a lot of things, and magic mushrooms (those that contain psilocybin, which are colloquially known as “shrooms”) are among the best tools humans have for changing the way we see, hear, and feel the world around us. So, what to do with all that power and potential? The number of interesting things to do on shrooms is seemingly infinite, and we’re here to help you narrow that down.

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Some mushroom-loving, or “myophilic” cultures have historically used various traditions and rituals to create a container for the onset, peak, and comedown of a psychedelic experience. Those of us who lack access to such rituals find ourselves trading tips and tricks with fellow psychonauts on the best ways to pass the time on a seemingly endless shroom trip, or activities that maximize a trip’s potential for healing and fun.

The Best Things To Do on Shrooms

Shrooms have a way of making just about anything interesting, but some activities are more shroom-worthy than others. Below is a list of fun things to experience while shrooming. Don’t try any of them that are outside your normal range of possibility or access; you should not drive anywhere while tripping. And remember, most psychonauts follow the adage: “start low, go slow.” They also only trip in a comfortable environment. Your “set” (inner emotions, beliefs, and perceptions) and your “setting” (physical surroundings) play a giant role in how your trip unfolds. You can always look up fun things to do on shrooms on Reddit, Shroomery, or other forums for advice and inspiration. If you’re new to shrooms, don’t forget to check out our past resource on shroom dosing for beginners

1. Lie Down on the Earth

Being anywhere in nature is a great idea when shrooming; if you start inside, you may find yourself gradually drawn outdoors. You could go for a hike, or discover the intricate world of your own backyard. But shrooms—which sometimes have a heavy, meditative quality—work a special magic when you take a break from adventuring and surrender to the earth’s gravity. Lying down on shrooms is especially great if you’re looking up at a forest canopy, or stars in the night sky.

Read: How To Survive A Bad Trip

2. Listen to Psychedelic Music

record player

Shrooms have been influencing musicians and music lovers for generations. You might get in touch with psychedelic standards like Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” or The Beatles’ “Tomorrow Never Knows.” But classic rock is far from the only psychedelic genre; all kinds of music, from R&B to electronica, reveal their layers under the kaleidoscopic gaze of shrooms. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have developed a Spotify playlist of mostly instrumental tracks that have been found to support therapeutic psilocybin trips.   

3. Paint With Watercolors

water color supplies

Like other psychedelics, shrooms have a demonstrated ability to expand creativity. You gaze at patterns you never noticed before; you visualize shapes you didn’t know existed. Having pencil and paper on hand is a good idea—but something about watercolors and their soft, dreamy ease seems most apt to the energy of shrooms. As clouds drift across the sky and thoughts breeze in and out of your head, the lazy drawl of a watercolor brush could be the best way to express your experience. Best of all, you can’t get it wrong. It’s impressionism!

 4. Drink Some Tea

hand holding tea cup

It can be notoriously difficult to eat while tripping (so it’s best to have a solid meal in the hours leading up). Yet water is essential, and water with leaves steeped in it—otherwise known as “tea”—can be sublime. On shrooms, delicate notes and fragrances become like a symphony to your senses. Ginger tea can help with nausea and indigestion associated with coming up on shrooms, while green tea might help you feel more alert and focused. Gentle lavender tea can mellow things out, and chamomile is great when it’s time to finally wind down for bed.

Read: How To Trip Sit Someone On Psychedelics

5. Contemplate the Unknown

person looking out in distance

You might find yourself doing this one whether you plan to or not! Many people report having mystical experiences on shrooms, from feeling like they’re talking to God, to being visited by a loved one who’s passed. While most shroom trips do not involve full-scale “hallucinations,” they do often present indescribable feelings and realizations that change one’s view of the world. This might happen in your mind, or in conversation with the people around you. Carry a notebook—or just let the epiphanies arrive and process them later.

6. Call the Fireside Project

person looking at cell phone

If you’re tripping alone, or find yourself or a friend to be in need of outside support, you can easily reach trained peer support volunteers at the Fireside Project by calling or texting 62-FIRESIDE (that’s 623-473-7433). Fireside volunteers are well-equipped to talk you through any aspect of the tripping experience, whether you’re going through a dark moment or just want someone to share your joy with. No reason too big or too small! You can also call them after your trip is over—one of their specialties is helping people integrate, or process and learn from, a psychedelic experience that has ended.

7. Hug a Tree

arms wrapped around tree

If you find yourself in the presence of an arboreal being, you will probably admire it, you may want to touch it, and you might even throw your arms around it—in which case, you’ll understand where those tree-hugging hippies were coming from. Shrooms have a way of making everything feel alive, particularly plants, which often appear to be “breathing” as they move in the wind (and they actually are taking air in and out). A tree that’s been outside your window for years might suddenly feel like an old friend, deserving of some affection. Climbing trees can be fun too—if it’s safe and you know what you’re doing.

8. Meditate

person holding hands to forehead meditating

Theoretically, you can do this one while doing most of the aforementioned activities. If meditation means coming into presence (usually achieved by getting still and focusing on your breath), you can do that while painting, listening to music, or even on a dance floor—in many ways, shrooms make it easier. By narrowing your attention to what’s around you and heightening sense perceptions, shrooms help you arrive in your body in the present moment. It’s good practice: Many early psychonauts turned to meditation as a tool for unlocking aspects of the happiness and pleasure they first experienced on LSD and mushrooms.

9. Take a Bath

person in bathtub

Yes, you can do a lot of things on shrooms—but sometimes, it’s all too much. Everything is swirling, the colors are intense, and maybe your muscles start to ache. One easy remedy can be found in your own bathroom, where if you’re able to fill a warm tub, you can escape from it all. Floating in a bath on mushrooms feels like returning to the womb, to all the peace and support we experienced before we had to carry our own weight. Pro-tip: enliven your bath with Epsom salts, candles, and mood-brightening essential oils like tangerine and lavender. 

10. Walk Barefoot

barefeet on rocks

That’s right, take off those boots, and even your sandals! Shrooms so often bring us into alignment with the earth, and nothing makes that connection feel closer than feeling the earth with your own two feet. Walking barefoot has many physiological benefits, by reducing the stress of confining footwear and activating stabilizing muscles. If you’re not used to walking barefoot, you probably shouldn’t try it for an entire hike, but even just sinking your toes into the sand, mud, or grass will activate sensations that you didn’t know were missing. Some claim that walking barefoot has a “grounding” effect with all kinds of potential benefits—early studies suggest benefits for mood, energy, and pain.

11. Hit the Club

dj turntables

This one might not be for beginners, or for higher doses—but particularly since the end of quarantine, more and more people are finding low-dose shrooms to work well for making magic and meaning on the dance floor. Shrooms can make dancing feel primal and embodied; when the beats pounding from the speakers are lush, the rave or club becomes a little slice of heaven. For some people, shrooms can make it hard to enjoy a crowded social space, but for others, it’s the key that unlocks the night.

12. Acknowledge and Embrace Your Mortality

person standing under stars

All mushrooms, “magic” or not, are decomposers. They take in matter that was once alive and break it down to be regenerated into something new. As such, mushrooms are often associated with death—and at higher doses, shroom trips can induce “ego death,” which can be terrifying, transcendent, or both. Even if you don’t reach that extreme, a solid shroom trip seems to often involve moments and thoughts that make you aware of the fact that your beautiful life will one day come to an end—and that it’s OK. Shrooms are one of multiple psychedelics that have been theorized and tested as tools to help us face our fear of death.

13. Attend a Guided Trip or Group Ceremony

Image Depicting Silhouette of Multiple People in Nature Against a Sunset Background

Many teachers and cultural practices out there want to help us make the most of our psychedelic experiences—so why reinvent the wheel? If you’re alone, a guide or trained therapist can help structure your trip according to your specific goals and needs and provide support. Meanwhile, group ceremonies led by seasoned practitioners can be powerful collective journeys, unlocking new levels of insight and healing. Within a container of trust and intentionality, your trip can be both uniquely yours and a special shared experience, reminding everyone how interconnected we truly are.

14. Go on a Nature Walk

Image Depicting Close Up Shot of Shoes Walking on Log in Forest

Venturing into the natural world while on mushrooms is an opportunity to rekindle our primordial connection with the earth. You may feel like the trees, the flowers, and even the ground itself respond to your every move. As the senses awaken to the vibrant tapestry of life in which we are unfolded, every step becomes an opportunity for wonder. Rustling leaves, whispering breeze, the caress of sunlight on skin: each sensation reminds us of the beauty and mystery of existence and our inherent kinship with all living things.

15. Stargaze or Watch the Clouds

Image Depicting Silhouette of Person Against Star Filled Sky

We already suggested lying down, but what will you do once you get there? With the infinitely supportive earth at your back, turn your gaze skyward to commune with the heavens. If it’s daytime, watch billowing clouds sail across the sky and try to spot shapes and faces or tell stories about the pictures they make. Time loses its grip as you drift along with these dreamy wonders. At nighttime, get lost in the twinkling of the stars and look out for constellations or planets you might recognize (or get an assist from an app like Night Sky). If you lay long enough in the right place, you’re bound to see a shooting star, which will feel even more magical on mushrooms.

16. Have a Deep Conversation

Image Depicting Close Up Shot of Hands Holding on A Table

Engaging in a deep, meaningful conversation after taking mushrooms is an opportunity to forge genuine connections and learn more about the many different types of human experience. With the receptivity of psychedelic consciousness, we may speak more from the heart, sharing our hopes, fears, and dreams with unusual honesty and vulnerability. As each conversation partner generously offers their own wisdom and insight, we remember how special it is to navigate the labyrinth of existence together. On a lighter note, mushroom trips can also be a great time to tell and share stories!

17. Ecstatic Dance in Nature

Image Depicting Woman Dancing in Sand Dunes

Join a gathering of like-minded individuals in a safe, natural setting—a grove in the forest, a plateau in the desert, or beside a moonlit lake—and engage in ecstatic dance as a form of expression and celebration. Let go of inhibitions and allow the music and movement to guide you through moments of self-discovery and connection with others. Bring water, snacks, lighting, and comfortable dancing shoes. Don’t forget to charge your Bluetooth speaker (or bring drums)! 

18. Do Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qigong

Image Depicting Close Up Shot of Woman Doing Tai Chi against Blue Sky Background

This one is probably best if you already know what you’re doing; learning sacred arts from YouTube videos might not be the easiest thing to do while tripping. But for those with a bit of experience, practicing the graceful movements of yoga, tai chi, or qigong while on shrooms can be a deep study of the embodiment of spirit. Accessing and moving your inner energies might come more easily than usual, as the mind-body connection is particularly strong. The feeling of alignment that results can be profound.

19. Try Sound Healing with Singing Bowls or Gongs

Image Depicting a Variety of Song Bowls on Rug

If you have a crystal singing bowl, Tibetan singing bowl, or gong at home, try listening to its soothing vibrations while under the influence of mushrooms. You may be surprised at how quickly and deeply you depart into another realm. Sound baths are said to be good for release and transformation; as the resonant tones wash over us, we feel stagnant energies dissolve, replaced by a sense of deep relaxation and inner peace. For best results, arrange a session with a skilled sound healer who knows what they’re doing, and prepare for a true vibrational symphony of the soul. 

20. Experiment with Sensory Play (e.g. Sand, Water, Textures)

Image Depicting Sand Going through Fingers

Who remembers making sand art, or playing with toy boats at the children’s museum? Experimenting with sensory play while on shrooms is an opportunity to reconnect with the childlike wonder and curiosity that we seem to lose with age (as we become more familiar with the world, and thus begin to take its sensory delights for granted). One idea is to set up a space with trays of colored sand, and let your imagination run wild as you make intricate patterns and designs with your hands. Alternatively, see how many different textures you can luxuriously feel in a single room of your home.

21. Reflect on Life and Journal or Make Lists

Image Depicting Close Up Shot of Hand Writing in Notebook

This is a two-step process. Step one: Reflect on life (OK, you’re on shrooms, so—check!). Step two: Grab a notebook and pen, and allow your thoughts and ideas to flow onto the page. Sure, you may struggle to form coherent sentences, but that’s alright! Write freely without judgment, exploring whatever comes to mind. Every psychonaut has had the experience of coming up with a brilliant new phrase, joke, or breakthrough on shrooms, only for it to evaporate moments later. Journaling or making simple lists, such as funny moments or things you are grateful for, creates an invaluable memento of the psychedelic experience. 

22. Cuddle with a Friend or a Pet

Image Depicting Person Petting Cat

Particularly if your nerves are feeling a bit frayed, embracing loved ones or furry companions can offer a unique degree of warmth and comfort, as well as an opportunity to deepen our connection with the beings we hold dear. The oxytocin released by physical touch (including a good long hug!) can enhance feelings of trust, bonding, and emotional well-being. Take a moment to get out of your head and celebrate the blessings of love and companionship!

This article is intended for educational and harm reduction purposes and is not intended to promote illicit activity.

Loved this article about the fun things to do on shrooms? Don’t miss these resources on safe(r) shrooming.

Timothy Leary first introduced the concept of “set and setting” in 1964—now it’s ubiquitous throughout the psychedelic world. But, why are set and setting so important? Licensed councilor Bailey Rahn has the details.

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How to Grow Shrooms Bundle

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Yes, it’s possible to have a bad psychedelic experience. Dr. Erica Zelfand walks you through challenging and traumatic trips—and how to heal afterward.

The right mindset and setting can set the stage for a more positive mushroom experience. But, dosage is also vitally important. Learn more about dosages for beginners here.

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DoubleBlind Magazine does not encourage or condone any illegal activities, including but not limited to the use of illegal substances. We do not provide mental health, clinical, or medical services. We are not a substitute for medical, psychological, or psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, or advice. If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be in danger or experiencing a mental health emergency, immediately call 911 or your local emergency resources. If you are considering suicide, please call 988 to connect with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
