Ayahuasca: Right Relationship, Harm Reduction, & Where to Begin

Right Relationship, Harm Reduction, & Where to Begin
Sunday, August 27 | 12 p.m. PT | FREE or Donation-Based
Virtual Event—Join From Anywhere!
*This event will be recorded
*All proceeds of this workshop will benefit the Union of Indigenous Yagé Doctors of the Colombian Amazon (UMIYAC)

More and more people are feeling called to try ayahuasca for healing. And yet, there’s a lot to consider before embarking on this journey. Firstly, as a medicine that has been used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years by Indigenous communities across the Amazon, it requires a lot of care. Sadly, there have been cases of sexual assault reported by facilitators in ayahuasca circles. More common than cases of explicit harm are ceremonies that are led by people who just don’t have the proper training to help participants navigate whatever emerges during their experiences. As ayahuasca grows in popularity, we felt it was important to have a free workshop to help people think about what questions to ask themselves and their facilitators before they sit with this medicine, as well as what it means to be in right relationship with these plants and their stewards.


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About Our Guests

Daniela Riojas is a curandera, educator, medicine keeper, musician, and artist originally from the frontera of Tejas y Mexico, currently based in Topanga, CA, traveling internationally. Her Indigenous ancestry is connected to The Coahuiltecans of northern Mexico as well as the Mexica. As a curandera, she communes with Mother Nature and a lexicon of plants, animals, and energies through ancestral practices of channeling and meditation. She has undergone extensive trainings and Master Plant dietas with Indigenous elders who have initiated her into the sacred practice of facilitation and healing in ceremonial space.

She has been under the guidance of elders in Nayarit Mexico (Richie and Xochitl of Nawake Bucerias) as well as elders and curandero/as of the jungles of Peru who are Cocama (Gran Maestra Aime Vargas Davila), Shipibo (Maestra Bawan Kate), Ashaninka (Maestro Miguel Charini) and Mestizo (Maestro Camara Ampi Shirapa). For years, Daniela has been traveling extensively throughout North and South America facilitating plant and animal medicines, and creating ceremonial healing spaces for communities in diverse countries and lands.

Daniela Riojas is the founder of Intikhana Medicina, which provides ceremonial healing rooted in Indigenous and Earth-Based practices. The mission at Intikhana is to provide gateways of health and well-being through Indigenous knowledge, plants, animals, music, frequencies, education, and connection to all of the medicine that this beautiful Mother Earth provides.

Wesley Sol is a ceremonial facilitator, musician, artist, and earth steward. He synergizes his own personal journey of healing with the plants from various indigenous traditions of Peru and Brazil. His altar and main studies were passed to him by a Mestizo/Cocama palero and curandero. It is outside of Pucallpa, Peru where he has maintained a steady spiritual study of dietas with the master plants and trees of these traditions. In 2019 through the guidance and acknowledgment of his teachers, Wesley was initiated to  hold sacred prayer circles. It is with much reverence and respect to those who have opened this path and to these ancestral ways that he carries these healing traditions with the utmost integrity. He is humbled and honored to be of service to our beloved Pachamama and the healing that she so graciously shares with us through the plants.

Alan Scheurman has been walking a medicine path since 2007, learning from Native peoples of the Americas and their respective traditions. He spent the past decade completing plant and tree diets under the tutelage of Sina and Emilio Ramirez in the Shipibo-Konibo tradition in Peru. Scheurman has guided groups and individuals from all walks of life in the United States since 2015. Though he is fluent in the spiritual technology of Shipibo ikaros (sacred chants) and considered an onanya (one who knows) by his teachers, Scheurman is best known for his unique approach to Ayahuasca as a vehicle for creative expression. He has birthed two albums as Santiparro – all medicine-music received through ceremony and dieta. He ardently encourages others to unearth their own unique voices with the help of sacred ceremonies and samá (dieta). In 2020, he and actress-activist Nat Kelley organized a series of benefit concerts called Folk Medicine. Bringing together indigenous peoples, musicians, and celebrities touched by the medicine, they raised over $70,000 in direct aid to Amazonians affected by the pandemic.

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For those seeking guidance along the medicine path, Alan Scheurman offers his expertise and insights, available for consultation through roninkoshi.com. His integration services operate on a donation basis, ensuring accessibility to all.

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