Collage Depicting Vintage Illustration of Witch On Broomstick with Tarot Card Background

What Kind of Witch Are You? Exploring the Many Types of Witchcraft

Get ready for some practical magic.

DoubleBlind Mag

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Welcome, curious seekers, to a journey through the wonderful world of witchcraft and its multiplicitous manifestations. There are as many kinds of witchcraft as there are elements and cultures, and each branch of magic offers a wealth of practices to explore. Whether you’re drawn to the primordial forces of fire and earth or the ethereal realms of dreams and divination, there’s a type of witchcraft to suit every person’s unique needs and desires. So, light your candles, gather your crystals, and embark into new realms of power and possibility. 

A Brief Guide to Different Kinds of Witchcraft

In this guide, we’ll explore ten distinct types of witchcraft, each with its own unique traditions, practices, and magical allure. From harnessing the nourishing power of food to communing with animals, you will surely learn new ways to think about magic and mystery as you read on.

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Fire/Candle Magic

Photo Depicting Manicured Hands Holding White Candle
Image Courtesy of Ksenia Yakovleva via Unsplash

The flickering flames of candles are long revered as conduits for magical energy. Fire magic, also known as pyromancy, harnesses the elemental power of fire to manifest intentions and desires. Practitioners often use candles of various colors to amplify their spells, with each hue symbolizing different energies (white for purification, red for passion, etc). Some carve runes into their candles to imbue them with the power of that particular symbol. Smaller candles can represent goals that will be accomplished quickly, while those that take longer to burn might carry intentions with longer trajectories. Fire can also be cleansing, such as when we burn representations of things we want to let go of, such as words or names written on paper.

Crystal Magic

Image Depicting Crystal on Top of Tarot Deck
Image Courtesy of Susanna Marsiglia via Unsplash

In the glittering realm of crystal magic, shimmering gemstones serve as vessels of cosmic energy originating in the crust of our very own earth. From amethyst to labradorite, each crystal is said to possess its own unique metaphysical powers. Use a site like Crystal Earth Spirit to look up the properties of the many different stones. One may use these sacred stones for grounding, casting spells, to represent the intentions on an altar, or give them as powerful gifts. Holding a stone like hematite while meditating is said to harness its vibrational frequencies to align with the soothing energy of the universe. Whether you’re drawn to the calming embrace of rose quartz or the transformative energies of citrine, crystal magic invites you to (literally) touch the mysticism of the mineral kingdom.

Deeper Learning

The archetype of the witch is ancient, but it’s currently shapeshifting into a modern form, argues Jessica Hundley. In the modern era, she says the resurgence of witchcraft arises at a time when “patriarchal suppression, religious extremism, and moral repression” are increasingly in public narratives. Read the full article.

Kitchen Witchery

For kitchen witches, the hearth is the heart of the home, and food is a pathway to profound healing for both the individual and the community. Kitchen witchery blends culinary skills with ancient wisdom, infusing everyday meals with love and enchantment. From stirring potions in cauldrons to brewing specially crafted blends of herbal tea to baking bread imbued with intentions for success and prosperity, kitchen witches channel the transformative power of food to nourish body, mind, and spirit—reminding us how interconnected those forces truly are. By preparing each dish with mindfulness and magic, we return to the sacredness of sustenance, sustaining ourselves and our loved ones with every delicious bite.

Garden Magic

Image Depicting Woman in the Distance Walking in Garden
Image Courtesy of Steve Sharp via Unsplash

Nature is a witch’s greatest ally and garden magic celebrates the sacred bond between humans and the earth. Whether cultivating bountiful bushes of herbs, growing healing roots like ginger and turmeric, or simply learning to hear the spirits of the land, garden witches work with the constant cycles of growth and decay in which we are all immersed. A garden witch plants with reverence and respect, understanding the symbolism of sowing seeds: each one invests in a vision for the future. From brewing potions with homegrown herbs to performing rituals beneath the moonlit canopy of trees, garden magic invites practitioners to cultivate harmony and balance in both their inner and outer worlds.

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In the realm of glamoury, illusion reigns supreme. Magic blends into the visual fabric of reality. Glamours are spells of enchantment and disguise, allowing practitioners to conceal their true selves or project an aura of allure and mystique. Whether casting a veil of invisibility or enhancing one’s natural beauty with make-up and hairstyles, glamours can empower witches to shape-shift and captivate with the artistry of their craft. In a world where perception is reality and aesthetic rules all, glamoury invites us to understand the transformative power of illusion and the many doors that self-expression can unlock.

Altar Work

Image Depicting Altar with Sage, Tarot Cards, and a Crystal
Image Courtesy of Kayla Maurais via Unsplash

The altar is a sacred space where witches work their magic, channeling intentions and offerings into tangible form. Altar work encompasses many practices, from setting up elaborate shrines adorned with crystals and incense to performing simple rituals with precision and reverence. Whether honoring deities, ancestors, or the elements, altar work centers around symbolic objects that serve as focal points for magical energies and spiritual communion. A witch might light every candle on their altar to celebrate the full moon, then later clean and reset that altar when the moon is new. Altars can also be designed around astrological seasons. By engaging with an altar we see daily in our home, we cultivate an ongoing connection to the divine.


As we’ve seen so far, many types of witchcraft defy typical expectations—yet there is also the classic art of spellcasting, where a thought or intention is made physical through action. As the celebrated elder Starhawk once wrote, “A spell is a symbolic act done in an altered state of consciousness, in order to cause a desired change.” Spells come in many forms, from simple whispered incantations to elaborate rituals steeped in tradition. Whether calling upon the cardinal directions, invoking deities, or tapping into the power of the collective unconscious, spellcasting empowers witches to shape reality according to their will. Just remember: even if your spell works, you don’t always get to decide when its effect comes to pass!


While many witches abide by the Wiccan Rede—”An it harm none, do what ye will”—there are those who wield magic with darker intent. Curses are spells designed to inflict harm or misfortune upon others, often fueled by anger, resentment, or a desire for revenge. From hexes and jinxes to binding spells and baneful magic, curses tap into the shadowy depths of the human psyche, unleashing forces beyond the realm of light (which DoubleBlind does not necessarily recommend). While some practitioners may choose to abstain from such practices, others embrace the darker aspects of magic, recognizing that the balance of light and shadow is inherent in the nature of the craft.

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Image Depicting Person Sitting on Hill at Night with Long Exposure Light Art
Image Courtesy of Elliot M via Unsplash

Dreams have long been regarded as important portals to the realms of the unconscious mind. Dreamwork and divination practices allow witches to harness the power of dreams to gain insight, guidance, prophecy, and glimpses of the future. From interpreting symbols and omens to lucid dreaming and astral projection, dream work opens the door to realms of revelation. Many witches say that keeping a dream journal—that is, writing down these wild mind adventures as soon as one wakes up—is key to remembering, and thus interpreting one’s dreams. Dreamwork can be used powerfully in tandem with other forms of divination, such as consulting the tarot, reading palms, and scrying with candle flames, tea leaves, or water.

Animal Magic

Image Depicting Birds Eye View of Hummingbird Flying
Image Courtesy of James Wainscoat via Unsplash

In the world of witchcraft, animals are revered as messengers, guides, and guardians. Witches have long been known to keep pets like cats, rats, birds, toads, and rabbits as familiars, which are supernatural animal companions that protect or assist witches in their practice of magic. Additionally, a creature witch may call upon animal archetypes such as the wise owl or cunning fox (by name or through symbolic representations) to harness and embody their energies. And this is to say nothing of magical beings like unicorns, dragons, phoenixes, and werewolves—should you choose to believe in them. Whether invoking the strong-swimming spirit of the salmon or dancing with faeries in a moonlit glen, animal magic celebrates the sacred bond between humans and our four-legged, winged, and finned relatives. 


Dreams have long been regarded as important portals to the realms of the unconscious mind. Dreamwork and divination practices allow witches to harness the power of dreams to gain insight, guidance, prophecy, and glimpses of the future. From interpreting symbols and omens to lucid dreaming and astral projection, dream work opens the door to realms of revelation. Many witches say that keeping a dream journal—that is, writing down these wild mind adventures as soon as one wakes up—is key to remembering, and thus interpreting one’s dreams. Dreamwork can be used powerfully in tandem with other forms of divination, such as consulting the tarot, reading palms, and scrying with candle flames, tea leaves, or water. 

Animal Magic

In the world of witchcraft, animals are revered as messengers, guides, and guardians. Witches have long been known to keep pets like cats, rats, birds, toads, and rabbits as familiars, which are supernatural animal companions that protect or assist witches in their practice of magic. Additionally, a creature witch may call upon animal archetypes such as the wise owl or cunning fox (by name or through symbolic representations) to harness and embody their energies. And this is to say nothing of magical beings like unicorns, dragons, phoenixes, and werewolves—should you choose to believe in them. Whether invoking the strong-swimming spirit of the salmon or dancing with faeries in a moonlit glen, animal magic celebrates the sacred bond between humans and our four-legged, winged, and finned relatives.


Last but not least, manifestation magic empowers witches to bring their desires and dreams into reality. Some believe they can manifest simply by speaking intentions aloud: words are magic, the idea goes; that’s why we call it “spelling” (wink). However, manifestation can be a complex and ongoing practice. It involves aligning one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions with one’s intentions, harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction to bring abundance and fulfillment into one’s life. Techniques like visualization, affirmation, writing, and ritual become powerful touchstones for personal evolution. Backed by unwavering faith and clarity of purpose, manifestation allows witches to tap into the limitless potential of the universe.

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