Woman reading DoubleBlind

Today, DoubleBlind Makes these 5 Promises to You

A candid letter from DoubleBlind's Editor-in-Chief

DoubleBlind Mag

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Updated November 3, 2022

Dearest Readers, 

Almost two years ago now, we decided to do something crazy: We started a magazine at a time when even the largest magazines and media companies were cutting staff and going out of business. We did it because we believed in it—deeply. We believe in the value of good journalism. And we believe in the extraordinary potential of psychedelics to reduce suffering. 

We always knew our biggest challenge would be funding our journalism in a way that allowed us to maintain our independence, uphold our values, and, importantly, pay the writers and artists who make it possible what they deserve. We’re still committed to doing that—and so, today, we’d like to make some promises to you:

  1. Our journalism will never have a paywall
  1. We will never rely on advertisers to fund our reporting, so we never have to take money from companies we don’t believe in
  1. We will always be available to support you for free. You can message us anytime via email or through our social media 
  1. We will always pay the writers and artists who we work with fairly. We will always prioritize inclusion by highlighting all voices, not just the most well-known ones
  1. We will always prioritize access and education over profit. When we charge for something (like a course or event), we will always offer scholarships and sliding scale options

In order to help us do all of this, if you can afford it and feel called, we’d be grateful if you would consider an ongoing donation to DoubleBlind, starting at $1/ month. In exchange, you’ll be a part of a monthly Zoom call with my co-founder, Madison Margolin, and I where we’ll answer any questions you have about the psychedelic movement or your own journey with psychedelics. These Zoom calls will include special guests, some of the people who we love and respect most in the psychedelic space. We have a vision of this being an intimate community, where we can brainstorm, collaborate, dialogue and, simply, be together. 

Since starting DoubleBlind, we’ve gone round and round about how to make it sustainable—and then the other day it hit us: Many people in our community have already asked if there’s a way they can donate, just because they believe in our work. If everyone on our mailing list donated $1/ month, that would be enough to fund the whole magazine—we’d never have to worry again about advertisers and we could just focus on doing what matters most: supporting you. 

Also, know that no matter where you are on your journey, we value you as a member of our community, and will continue to support you. 

Our sincerest wishes of love, light, and growth to you in this New Year,


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DoubleBlind is a trusted resource for news, evidence-based education, and reporting on psychedelics. We work with leading medical professionals, scientific researchers, journalists, mycologists, indigenous stewards, and cultural pioneers. Read about our editorial policy and fact-checking process here.

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DoubleBlind Magazine does not encourage or condone any illegal activities, including but not limited to the use of illegal substances. We do not provide mental health, clinical, or medical services. We are not a substitute for medical, psychological, or psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, or advice. If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be in danger or experiencing a mental health emergency, immediately call 911 or your local emergency resources. If you are considering suicide, please call 988 to connect with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

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